Baby Lally On Board
By: Tom Lally, CFP ®
I’m very excited to announce that my wife and I are expecting a baby girl! This is our first child and her due date is early May (which I’m sure will be here before we know it). It’s the first grandchild on my side of the family and the 6th – all girls! – on my wife’s side.
As you can imagine, now was not a particularly good time to break my foot. On top of the regular aches, pains, and nausea of early pregnancy, my wife also had to contend with some things I simply could not do. And she has been so helpful while I’ve recovered. I’ve tried to remember that as bad timing as this was, six months from now would be even worse, so hopefully I’m done with major medical issues of my own for a little while.
I can’t believe how quickly these first few months have flown by since we first found out this wonderful news. I feel like we’ve barely made a dent in all of the things we need to do. There are so many things to buy (tiny creatures, many items, as my sister-in-law says). I’m part way through two different books in my attempt to learn as much as I can ahead of time (though I realize books can only go so far here). We’ve had a few routine medical appointments so far, but the frequency will pick up as the big day approaches.
It’s already been an amazing journey to be a part of. From the amazingly detailed ultrasounds, to feeling the first few kicks (her legs are strong!), each day is incredible and helps it feel just a little more real. It’s a strange blend of excitement and apprehension. I’m reminded of the phrase we always said as kids when playing hide and seek – ready or not, here I come!
The author of this article is Tom Lally, Wealth Manager Assistant at U.S. Wealth Management.